Competitive advantages with our offerings...
"Hands-down that the intelligence Market Awareness provides us has changed our company and growth for the better. Their buyer insights and intelligence drives our corporate strategies and tactical initiatives with our products and services."
StudioNorth (Mark Mohr)
Each Of Our Four Solutions Consists Of:
“We leverage the online training platform from Market Awareness to allow our global personnel to learn cutting-edge business solutions. Getting our people trained and certified gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace on all kinds of different business solutions."
Exxon Mobil (Dean Gronostaj)
Predictive analytics obtained: Net Promoter Score, Customer Loyalty Index, Customer Engagement Score, Product Offering Impact, Customer Churn Rate, Lost Prospect Re-engagement, In-jeopardy Existing Customer, Walletshare Index, Win-Rate Calculation
We have four offerings: Customer Insights (CSAT +), Lost Prospect Insights, Product Insights and Venture Capital portfolio company Insights. Our solutions are often combined to provide 360-degree intelligence view for organizations.
We're an advanced Primary Research organization who has revolutionized the buyer intelligence landscape.
Portfolio Intelligence for Venture Capital Firms:
“We have been using Market Awareness for many years to provide us with the intelligence needed to drive dozens of programs internal to IQVIA. They're the backbone to a lot of what we do and driving internal teams focused on customer and product initiatives."
IQVIA (Barb Barrett)
We allow venture capital firms to manage and accelerate the growth of their portfolio companies while positioning each for optimum value for funding or selling purposes.
Copyright 2022 Market Awareness, LLC
All Rights Reserved
- Perform primary research to obtain unbiased scores and insights
- Configurable key performance metric question sets
- Configurable open-ended question sets
- Configurable data dashboards to communicate the insights
- Transcribe verbatim responses from samples we analyze
- Sentiment analysis is performed on verbatim quotes
- Predictive analytics generated and diagrammed
- Automated emails or texts when predictive analytic meets criteria
- API's for import of all insights
- Weekly diagrammed progress updates
- Executive presentation upon analysis completion
- Attract new investors
- Retain existing investors
- Better position portfolio companies for seed funding or selling
- Limit risk of overpaying for acquisitions
- Determine walletshare for each portfolio company
- Increase portfolio company win-rates
Market Awareness